Donate Now
Your Donations, Their Future
Join hands with Sanjh Preet Organization! You may send your donation in the form of a Cheque made in favor of “Sanjh Preet Organization” at our head office: 94-D J1, Johar Town, Lahore or you may deposit your donation at the following bank.

Bank Details
- Title
- Account No
- Swift Code
- Branch Code
- Sanjh Preet Organization
- 0737 9192 6100 4763
- PK39 MUCB 0737 9192 6100 4763
- 1511 – M.A Johar Town Lahore
Support Education

Sponsor A Child (ALP Student)
Rs. 1,000/- per month

Sponsor An Alp Center
Rs. 30,000/- per month

Sponsor An ALP Center
Rs. 360,000/- one year
Support School

Sponsor A Child
Rs. 30,000/- per year

Sponsor A Classroom
Rs. 1,500,000/- one time

Sponsor A School
Rs. 6,000,000/- one time

Sponsor A Computer Lab
Rs. 600,000/- one time

Sponsor A Washroom
Rs. 1,000,000/- one time

Sponsor A Electric Water Cooler
Rs. 150,000/- each water cooler

Sponsor A Student Bench Desk
Rs. 15,000/- per bench & desk
Support Sanjh Small Business

Sponsor A Food Stall
Rs. 150,000/- one time

Sponsor A Small Grocery Store
Rs. 150,000/- one time

Sponsor A Small Stitching & Boutique Setup
Rs. 150,000/- one time

Sponsor A Tea Stall
Rs. 100,000/- one time

Sponsor A Small Poultry Unit
Rs. 100,000/- one time

Sponsor A Used Rickshaw
Rs. 200,000/- one time
Support Widow Shelter

Donate A Brick for Shelter
Rs. 1,000/- per brick

Donate A Shelter Home
Rs. 800,000/- per shelter home
Support Mosque

Donate A Brick for Mosque
Rs. 1,000/- per brick